Believe it or not, the air inside your property or home rentals may be less healthy than the air outdoors. From pollutants like volatile organic compounds (chemicals in paints, cleaning supplies, waxes, building materials, furnishings, pesticides, air fresheners and dry-cleaned items) to gases (like radon and carbon dioxide) to second-hand smoke, our modern, well-insulated homes can actually trap pollutants, raising their potential for harm. There are several common houseplants, however, that can help you breathe easier by increasing oxygen levels and removing toxins from the air.

Below is a list of ten natural air purifiers that you can easily include in any property or home rentals. For maximum effectiveness, aim for at least two plants in 10- to 12-inch pots per 100 square feet of space. And be sure not to overwater your plants, which can lead to mold—another pollutant to watch out for.

  • English Ivy
  • Lady Palm
  • Boston Fern
  • Snake Plant
  • Golden Pothos
  • Wax Begonia
  • Red-Edged Dracaena
  • Spider Plant
  • Peace Lily

Some of these plants are poisonous to pets - keep them out of reach if you have pets!

These are just some of the plants that have been shown to remove toxins. Most are also able to thrive at household light levels.

The initial list of air-filtering plants was published by NASA in 1989 in cooperation with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA), initially to research ways to clean the air in space stations. Some of the toxins these plants are able to remove include benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia, among others. And as with other plants, the plants above also convert the carbon dioxide that you exhale into breathable oxygen. Amazing, isn’t it? Common houseplants like these can filter toxins from your home’s air and provide fresh, clean air for you to breathe while making your property or home rentals look beautiful!