Homeowners Associations




Our Homeowner Associations Management Division (LLW Properties) is a customer-service oriented company specializing in the management of Homeowners Associations (HOA's) or Common Interest Developments (CID's) for over 20 years. We manage Homeowner Associations in Solano, Napa, and Contra Costa counties with an exceptionally well-trained staff of Community Association Managers, accounting staff and maintenance personnel. 


 Experience and Qualifications

We are proud of our focus on the individual management requirements of each Association – and our business has grown steadily as a result.  Our professional and highly responsive staff currently manages a wide variety of HOA's and our track record speaks for itself.  Several of the Associations we manage have been with our company over 16 years due to the dedicated, personal service we provide.

Maintaining complete, accurate, and timely Association financials is a cornerstone of our firm. We produce all the necessary business and financial information an Association needs to make sound decisions. We help our clients remain solvent during difficult economic times and also assist with litigation issues, obtaining estimates for subcontracted services, collecting assessments, improving their financial security, and enforcement of their governing documents. 

The training and expertise of our staff allows you to have a specialized team at work on your property’s needs. All of our managers are certified, or are in the process of being certified, by the California Association of Community Managers and/or the Community Associations Institute and participate in extensive and on-going education.

For HOA DOCUMENTS online payments ONLY:

**REMINDER** Please be sure to manually add in the 5% service charge for all PayPal payments. Thank you.

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LLW Properties [HOA's] (707) 455-4200                                       
Leisure Town Properties [Seniors] (707) 447-7777
Finish Line Construction (707) 455-4216
Contractors License # 979823

Community Real Estate Services (707) 447-7777
169 Leisure Way, Vacaville CA 95687
DRE License.# 01913507

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